Monday, December 21, 2015

How to Bypass DeepFreeze Log In and Uninstall

You forgot your password so you  can't uninstall your DeepFreeze ?

Deep Freeze is a good program if you want to keep your system secure, but it can be a real pain if YOUR FORGOT you’re no longer using it and want it off your system. Before you can uninstall Deep Freeze, you have to disable it. To disable it, you’ll need thepassword

This  Trick will work on  WORKS fine with  v7.00.020.3172 build  and below.

First you should know what is your DeepFreeze Version

Press this on your Keyboard  CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F6   

DeepFreeze Log in will show something like this..

1.You Need  To Download your Deep Freeze Installer  for uninstall (if you already have the one you installon your PC no need to download  ) If you no longer have the installation file, you can download it again from the Deep Freeze website. 

2. Download Anti Deep Freeze Tool 

3. If you have Version 1 to 6  use the   ADF.exe , for  Version 7  use the ADF 7.exe

NOTE: Sometimes your Anti Virus detect malware please  disabled  before opening this tool 

4. For ADF 7  click  "Open new process" which is recommended  then click  start.

Now  log in without password  then click  thawed  the apply and reboot  NEW PASSWORD is 123

Works  both on XP and Win 7

Your Deep Freeze ICON  status should have X indication it was disabled.

5. There is no uninstall file for Deep Freeze. Instead, you will need to run the file that installed the program to begin with. If you no longer have the installation file, you can download it again from the Deep Freezewebsite.

The Installer  itself is the  uninstaller  LOL.

    The file for Deep Freeze 5 is typically: DF5Std.exe
    The file for Deep Freeze 6 is typically: DF6Std.exe
    The file for Deep Freeze 6 is typically: DF7Std.exe

6. After Uninstall  Reboot your PC  and your Done!.


click here to download

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