Saturday, February 20, 2016

Jingling BOT (Auto Visitor Blog)

Jingling bot

How to Install:

1. just click the link below and download it unzip the soft through winrar

How its work:

Three simple steps
1.  login to your blog update the blog
2. now open the jingling software and wait for  five mins,
3. jingling automatically copy your blog URL

Jingling Guide in English

Description of Functions

1. URL Id
2. Web Address
3. Visitor/Traffic Flow
4. Status: (GREEN) working, (RED) there is a problem
5. Option: (LEFT) pause/restart, (RIGHT) delete link
6. Option: (LEFT) timed browsing, (RIGHT) traffic origin (see below)
7. Optimization (see below)
8. Add new Web Address
9. Add existing URL Id (optional)

Timed Browsing

 Jingling Guide in English

1. Time line: 0 to 23 hours
2. Flow rate: 0% to 100%
3. Option: (Save), (Reset), (Default), (Cancel)

Traffic Origin

 Jingling Guide in English

1. Option: (1) All traffic, (2) China traffic, (3) Mainland China traffic, (4) All except China traff (5) Custom
2. Option: (1) Save, (2) Reset, (3) Default, (4) Cancel

Optimization Settings

  Jingling Guide in English 

1. Independent IP/Page Visit: 1 to 3.
2. Automatic access: Determined by IPSarcasticV.
3. Refresh: Reload the current page only.
4. Re-Access: Visit the subpage, and open the origin page.
5. Matching: Visit a page with “matching string”.
6. Pop-up: Enable or Disable (if you have popup code on your site)
7. Destination: Enable or Disable (if you want to redirect traffic after page load)
8. Destination Listing
9. Destination Option: (Add), (Delete)
10. Referer URLs: Enable or Disable (“From” traffic)
11. Referer Listing
12. Referer Option: (Add), (Edit), (Delete)
13. Option: (Save), (Cancel)

Download : Click Here !