Friday, February 19, 2016

How do i get my clash of clans account back: Easiest Guide

Clash of clans is undoubtedly the most played and viral smartphone game. Loosing villages and accounts is the most reported issue of this game. Players of this game mostly search the term like How do i get my clash of clans account back on different forums but they mostly get the answers of restoring villages. Today we will write a brief and easiest guide to get back the clash of clans account.

There are two guides, one is for iOS and other one works on android device. Note that you must have linked account with Google+ on android. If your account wasn’t connected to Google+ before loosing it then you have to email the supercell team in order to get it back and linked to Google+ account. In order to email the support, simply go to game settings and there tap on “Help and support”. Now just enter the details like names of the clan and village, town hall level, date and time of the last playing session. And send the email. It will take few days to process so keep calm and wait for the reply. In the reply, they will tell you what to do in order to get the coc account back.
Before we start our guide, checkout the clash of clans tricks 2016 to win every loot.
Coming back to our topic of today that is clash of clans account recovery.


On Android
Step#1: Open the Google+ app and login to it if already logged-in then skip this step.
Step#2: Launch the Clash Of Clans from your app drawer.
Step#3: It will now ask you to recover your account/village, simply select “Yes” and you’re done.
Remember one thing that by selecting Yes will delete the current village. But it will restore your previous village/account.
On iOS
Step#1: Login to your Game Center account.
Step#2: Open Clash Of Clans.
Step#3: You’ll now get the popup asking you to load the old village/account with the town hall level, just tap on “Okay” to get back the lost coc account.
How do i get my clash of clans account back
Keep in mind that this will replace the current progress.

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